As you can probably tell things have been a bit slow on the update front here. I've been a bit busy with study and life in general. Also, the weather down here hasn't been the best, every time i seem to have a free day it's either pouring with rain or blowing an absolute gale.
Anyway, in the last few days i've: managed to find a life jacket to fit 3 - 10kg, so Emily can now come on the boat; and had the sail maker down to the marina to measure up for a new mainsail, so things are happening on that front too.
Now that the new sail is happening i need to get things happening to convert the reefing system from roller to slab reefing - no doubt this will entail many updates as things progress.
Claire has found a sailing course (OK so I found it for her) which looks pretty good and she has a couple of friends also interested. Their only concern is that Champagne wasn't mentioned in the add...
Anyway, until next time...happy sailing...