When it comes to weather, i love the numbers and the stats. Not the everyday stuff, but the extreme events.
Take last night for example. I was a little too excited when i heard that 60kt winds were forecast to arrive between 10pm and midnight. So when the wind started to blow, i went to my go to sites to watch things develop.
When we went to bed, at about 11, things were starting to get going. It was blowing a solid 30kts, with stronger gusts. So i checked what has become my favourite live weather site...The Mornington Yacht Club Weather Cam...
Mornington Yacht Club is about 15k south of us, so i can generally rely on the data to be somewhat relevant to what we're experiencing.
As you can see a lot of weather related numbers and graphs are displayed. The chart provides about 10 hours of data as well as the current conditions and some historical data.
My inner weather nerd was very excited looking at the charts, you can clearly see when the front hit, although the pre-frontal weather was more severe, which is often the case on Port Phillip.
The wind was sitting at between 30 and 40kts out of the NW. With the temperature, an unseasonably warm 15degC. What is also clear is the pressure dropping.
The all of a sudden at 2:30am, which is incidentally when the rain started, the wind became gusty but dropped, the temperature started to drop and the pressure started to rise. All signifying the passing of the cold front.
Looking at the historical summary, it appears last nights storm wasn't as severe as others we've had in the past 3 years...luckily it's only June, and we've still got a chance fro something stronger!!
Definitely an evening to be tucked up in bed and not on the water!!