Monday, June 30, 2014

Yet Another Titleless Update...

It dawned on me, as i was sitting here looking out the window, over the stormy sea ... (ok, so it's actually Port Philip - but don't let the truth get in the way of a good story ... ) ... while i should have been working, that i have numerous stalled blogs.  When i do get time to think and write (or more accurately, ramble) i spend all my time trying to work out what to write and which blog to write it in.

I've decided to consolidate my blogs into more of a single diary than four narrow interest blogs...

So, if you like triathlon or running or my planning to build a boat (or more re-landscaping our yard, so i can build a boat) or my dairy free, gluten free diet or coffee or general meaningless ramblings or any combination of the aforementioned... This may be the place for you!

And just because blog posts are always better with a picture - here's a compilation of some photos i took the other day while out running...

I'll also attempt to figure out a linky thingy of sorts, so both of you can go directly to my 1 post which you find slightly interests you.

Cheers Tim