Thursday, February 24, 2011

Single Handed Sailing Tips Book

I know many sailors out there spend a lot of time single handing their boats, be it because you can't find crew, you like the solitude of sailing solo, the crew you do have are passengers not crew or people just don't trust you!! Whatever the reason, a lot of effort goes into setting up your boat to make things easier to sail solo. 

I, like many others, spend a large amount of time looking over other people's boats and tinkering with things to get it just right...

A friend on an online sailing forum pointed a publication by the Single Handed Society, based in San Francisco, which is available for free download.

I haven't had a chance to go through the book, but those who have - some of whom I would regard as very experienced sailors - appear to have got a few tips.

Hopefully, you can also get something out of it.

Happy Sailing, Tim.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

A Couple of Shots of The Moon at Merimbula

Both the shots were taken using a 1/3 of a second exposure with the ISO set at 1600. As with all the images i have posted, these are just the raw (not RAW...just unedited) file, i haven't photoshopped anything yet, largely because i don't know what i'm doing.
As i don't have a tripod and remote, i was balancing the camera on a fence post and carefully taking the shot without bumping the camera.