Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Hi Blog, it's been a while...what you been doing...??

I've been a bit quite on the training front since Sandringham, but still managed to do something most days - except last week, where i had a bit of a bug...forgot what i did the week before, but here's last week and up to this morning...

Friday 17 Feb: 2k pool swim (pm)
Saturday 18 Feb: 1k open water swim and 500m open water swim (pm)
Monday 20 Feb: 8.5k run - inc 23:30 5k... happy :) (pm)
Friday 24 Feb: 35min bike on trainer followed by 5k run (am) &; 1.5k pool swim (pm)
Monday 27 Feb: 45min bike on trainer - hard...awesome!! (pm)
Tuesday 28 Feb: 1.5k pool swim (am)

I've also kind got a plan for some more events this year, so here's the start list to date:

March 25: 750/20/5 Triathlon at Brighton - i know it's IM Melbourne day...but...
April 1: 750/20/5 Triathlon at St. Kilda
May 6: Puffing Billy Fun Run, 13.2 km of roller coaster hills...
July 15: Run Melbourne Half Marathon...
September 16: Amy Gillett Gran Fondo - 120 km bike ride around The Otways...
November 4: 1500/40/10 Triathlon Noosa...This year's MAIN EVENT!!

and i'm tentatively thinking a IM70.3 or long course triathlon Feb/March next year...???

So for the next month it's a mix of short sharp sessions and longer stuff...and after that...probably more of the same except more hill work for both the ride and run in preparation for the Otway bike ride and Puffing Billy run...

Here's the Otways ride...courtesy of Cycling Profiles

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

My Swim at Sandringham Tri...

Now i know why i took so long...look at the path...

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My Photo Shoot with A Dinosaur...

OK, so maybe the heading got you here under false pretences, but seriously a dinosaur...

Anyway, last Sunday was Emily's 3rd birthday, and as Claire doesn't have enough to do with her time as it is she always makes the kids a birthday cake, of their choice.

Emily wanted Dorothy the Dinosaur.  A suitable plan / set of instructions (or whatever you call them) was found, and the game was on!

So three chocolate cakes and a bit of careful cutting later and...what do you know, we have a nude dinosaur!!

I wasn't privy to all the details of how each of the decorating bits was made (i was busy doing outside blokey things in preparation for the party).  Needless to say, i was called on once or twice when my engineering expertise was required.  Who knew, that after an undergrad degree and almost 2 post grad degrees, my engineering skills would find a real world application!!

Once Dorothy came to life it was time to ensure that her existence was recorded before she was set upon by the hoards of savages (more commonly referred to as the nephews and nieces).

Like all photographic subjects, Dorothy was a little shy to begin with, so some artistic shots were required first off 

However, by the end of the shoot she felt comfortable in her butter icing and allowed some full frontal shots...

But like all good cakes her time was short lived...

Well done to Claire for another ridiculously awesome cake!!

Oh, and the best thing about the "shaped" cakes...the off cuts ensure that the chocolatey goodness hangs around for a few more days... :)

Monday, February 13, 2012

Being trapped in the Hurt Locker, or How I Plan to Smash my OD Tri Time at Noosa

Well it's been over a week since my long awaited return to the world of triathlon.  Similar to Lance Armstrong i'd taken a 20 year break to concentrate on other sporting pursuits... let's just say Lance was a bit more successful in his other pursuits than i was.  And let's also say that Lance's comeback race was a little more...well...um...yeah, we'll go with successful here too.  But enough of Lance, this space is reserved for my self indulgent needs... ;)

This story begins in about October last year, when after recovery from a knee and achilles injury, both my physio and myself thought i should maybe let up on the running a little...so me thinks - i've done triathlon before, let's do it again! When i say running, i was preparing for a half marathon...and well maybe now i'm thinking long course / half ironman / 70.3 depending upon which franchise you believe in... Just don't let the physio know i'm thinking of doing a half marathon after swimming 2k and riding 80k... But i digress...

So i entered the Sandringham Olympic Distance triathlon, which for the unknowing (un-crazy, un-stupid, un-nuts, non-initiated) is a 1.5k swim, 40k bike ride, and 10k run. Individually, i didn't consider and of these things daunting - i'd done them before, it was just a matter of putting them together.  So off i went training to swim 1.5k, ride 40k and run 10k... And therein was my problem... I TRAINED FOR 3 EVENTS NOT A TRIATHLON!!!

So how did i go...

Firstly, Leg 1 - Swim...slowly, cramped both calves...but on the upside, didn't drown...

Then, T1...as anyone who has done a Sandy Tri will know...THE HILL... aarrggghhhh...

Leaving T1...well i look like a triathlete...

Secondly, Leg 2 - Bike...the bike felt good. It was a trip from Sandy up to South Road (2k) and then down to just past Rickett's Pt (10k) and back...twice...

The first run down to Rickett's was good, overall downhill and tail wind - yeah...not so good. Upon turning around tail wind became headwind and down hill, became...yep you guessed it UP!!  The second lap was just horrendous!  By the time i got to Rickett's the 2nd time, the wind was up to about 35kts...and it was HOT!  

Out on the bike...appear to be trying to get aero...probably actually completely buggered and actually just lounging...

Looking at my Garmin data, i can see the spot where i "Hit the Wall"...in fact, if i went for a drive, i could probably still see the wall on the road!

Then T2...easy get off bike, put on runners...nailed it :)

Finally, Leg 3 - Run...no, i said Run...still no response from Legs...Run...not pleasant morning stroll along Beach Road...RUN, damn legs RUN...nup...nothing...after 70 minutes of arguing with my legs i completed what was my slowest 10k run / jog / walk / water stop ever!! 

This one i call... I saw the photographer, so better run so i can get a good photo...
Alternative name...broken man...

It was however great to see Claire and the kids just before i finished...

I even managed a smile...but look out, i'm dangerous!!

And for those who get pleasure out of others pain...my results...

Swim: 40:56
T1: 4:34
Ride: 1:23:23
T2: 3:23
Run: 1:10: 09

Overall: 3:22:27.5

Having said all that, i had a great time and am really looking forward to Noosa later in the year.

I learnt a heap about how where i need to improve in racing, training and race day nutrition / energy.

Swim: i've got the distance, just need more higher intensity sprint reps to get speed and more open water practice.

Ride: again, i've done long distance - but i need to work on going hard for an hour plus.

Run: well...don't really know. I think that one's getting on the right track. Just keep mixing up long distance, fartlek style 10k, and maybe add some dedicated sprint sessions.

But most important...NUTRITION!! i need to start doing some long intense sessions on the bike and running and start trialling eating and gels.

Well, that probably sums it up...and i'm hoping with a bit of work over winter, i can knock something in the order of 40 minutes off that time by Noosa...