Saturday, January 11, 2014

10 weeks to go...

In 10 weeks time, if all has gone to plan and that's my plan - not some alternate crappy plan which appears to be hijacking my plan!! - i'll be lying in bed ABSOLUTELY TERRIFIED, trying to get sleep as the gun will be going off in less than 9 hours!!!!

As i write this, i've got some strange lower leg issue (appears to be more than a niggle) that is causing a bit of pain. The most frustrating part is that it isn't stopping me from training but i don't want to push things in case it's doing damage.  I haven't had it looked at yet, as we were on holiday and i hoped that rest would heal all ... um, not really.  

So first thing Monday morning it's a call to the physio to make an appointment and get his opinion.  As far as I'm concerned there are 3 possible answers:

1) Don't train - you'll do irreparable damage ... which probably means, no IM :(

2) You can train - but it won't get better until you rest it ... Cool, that's why they invented post IM months ... GO!!! :)

3) It's nothing ... you're making it up ... GO NUTS YOUNG FELLA!!! 

Once i know the answer, you guys will be the first to know :)

I'm feeling quite confident that given the next ten weeks to train i'll be good to go on the day.  I haven't done as many long sessions as I'd have liked to by now - so I have already re-assessed my goal and changed it from a time to finishing sub 17 hours!

And in other exciting news - i'll be racing as part of the Heart Kids QLD team at the Noosa Triathlon later this year.  Once i get all the details sorted i'll do a separate blog post (or 2) on this subject, and why i'm proud to be part of this team.

Cheers Tim

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