Thursday, August 29, 2013

The best laid plans...

Just a bit of a catch-up on what's been going down...

Those who have been taking notes, will know that I've been struggling with a knee injury of late.  I could use heaps of TLAs (and even some FLAs) to give a name to what's going on. Or I could just say that it appears my knee cap isn't tracking straight and there may be some crap under my knee which is getting aggravated   This has apparently been brought on by weak quad muscles, and exacerbated by tight calves and ITB issues.

The frustrating part is that I can still run - relatively pain free - but it hurts for a while afterwards...on the upside, the intensity and duration of the pain is getting less. the meantime, under the watchful eye of my Physio, I'm keeping my running to a minimum.  I'm allowed to run for an hour or so every second day.  

And as far as rehab goes, plenty of squats - both single and double legged - isolating my quads and concentrating on keeping my knees straight and not letting them move inward as I squat.  And, A LOT of time on the foam roller, with particular attention being paid to my ITB, calves, and quads.

So the upshot of all that, is that i don't think I'm going to have a marathon in me in 6 weeks time - particularly as I want to have a good crack at the Noosa OD Tri 3 weeks after that...

Oh well, them's the brakes...and it looks like my first marathon will be after a bit of a swim and bike ride :) 

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